as it turns out, i'm a chicken
A few days ago, my three youngest kids and I were in the grocery store and #2 picked up a brochure at the Jelly Belly display. One of the pages was about a line of beans called 'Bean Boozled'. Here's the idea: there are two sets of look alike beans. One set is the 'tastes good' version and the other set is its evil twin that is disgusting. Since they look identical, the game is to try to suss out which ones taste good...and which ones to avoid. The current edition of beans has such delicious flavors such as baby wipes, boogers, barf and skunk spray. Their respective twins would be coconut, pear, peach, and licorice.
Aw heck, we just HAD to try these! So I got online and luckily the Jelly Belly company has a search engine on their website so that you can narrow your search to just stores that carry this one particular type of bean. You can find that search engine here. We found them at a Safeway store not normally in our sphere of shopping, but not too far. And off we went this morning.
After we picked my oldest up from school and ate lunch, we all went outside to give these babies a try (I wanted them to spit them in the bushes, not on the floor in the house). Each kid had their own box and I highly suspected that my two littlest had no idea what was going on, as you can see here:
I felt sorry for #4 (above), so I took her box of Bean Boozleds and replaced it with a couple of good-tasting jelly bellies (I bought a bag of those, too, for movie night tonight). #3 Gave up on them after a bad bean or two...and #2 was pretty quiet during the whole thing.
The most entertaining kid to watch was my oldest, who yelled, spat, squinched up her face, and even had a couple episodes of dry heaving (those moldy cheese jelly bellies are a real killer, apparently).
I was up for the challenge, in theory, but when it came down to it, I just wasn't very adventurous. I'm happy with my margarita and pear flavored beans.
And that's how I found out I'm a chicken.
That looks so fun!!! My kids wouldn't even give this a try. I would maybe, but I think I am a chicken too!!
Hi Renita! I ended up trying a couple last night and they are sweet, but eeewwwwwwwwwww. Thanks for visiting(and following)!
What a strange game but I am sure it appeals to kids. I wouldn't do it:) new follower from workboxes. I love following home schooling blog hope you will consider following back:)