Somehow, Young Yeller (7 y/o) and I have started emailing back and forth. She's had her own email account for awhile. She and assorted grandparents keep in touch that way, I figure it helps with spelling/typing, etc., and she's signed up for some newsletters that we approve of. I always know what's coming into her inbox because our Google homepage is mostly always logged into her email, so I have a constant window of her most recent emails. The last few days, we've been emailing about she and her sisters (most notably The Meatloaf) and how I can help them to get along a bit better. Here is her latest pearl of wisdom:
yes little kids are tireing!!!!!!! believe ME i know ! its a zoo! dad said that! that's why i want to be a mom! it is fun! believe me it is really fun. and also believe me it is tireing . i know because you do . and i know every thing you know. just some math facts. and a little much .
There's so much just in these few sentences. First of all, tiring=fun, apparently. I also think that she 'knows everything' I do is hilarious. But, she admits, I do know my math facts a bit better than she does. Thanks goodness for that! It does make me feel good that she thinks being a mom is a fun job, and that living in a zoo is something she desires for herself (and yes, I admit it's a zoo around here).
I suppose this activity- communicating with your children via email- is really just for kids who are a bit older. But I really think there's a lot to be gained here. We're able to think about things, consider them before responding in a way that isn't really possible with three other little, needy kids breathing down our necks, and we're talking about important stuff. That might be good for later. Like when she's 13. Yikes.